Bible Studies

Bible Study Group  - Weekly on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm

Christians believe that God has spoken to us through His Holy word, the Bible, and that it helps shape and inform our lives. For our physical bodies we need to eat a healthy diet and exercise to grow, live, and get fitter. The same principle applies to our spiritual lives: We need a good diet of prayer, bible study, worship and Christian service to develop healthy spiritual lives.

Bible Study helps us to grow in our faith and to feed us spiritually. It challenges us, but also equips us for Christian service. We meet to do this on Zoom on Thursday evenings at 6.30pm. The Bible Study lasts just one hour and finishes promptly at 7.30pm, as we know that people have work the next day.

We are currently studying the Book of Acts.

Interested in joining us? Fill out the contact form on the Home Page of our website or email Fr Kevin who will get back to you!


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